Metaverse: The Dream Universe is here!!!

4 min readSep 9, 2021


Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, announced a new project to his staff that is no more related to tying everyone together through social apps. Instead, they would seek to create the Metaverse, a maximalist, linked set of experiences right out of science fiction. The Metaverse is experiencing a renaissance. This phrase ‘Metaverse’ was used in Neal Stephenson’s 1992 sci-fi novel ‘Snow Crash’ to describe the merging of actual, augmented, and virtual reality in a shared online area.

What is Metaverse?

One can describe Metaverse as a virtual shared environment that encompasses all virtual worlds as well as the Internet. It may include replicas or derivatives of the actual world. The Metaverse is the internet’s next evolution. Instead of static webpages, it will immerse you in a game-like environment.

How will it change things around us?

To imagine this, think of a vast virtual environment. One that is always bustling with energy and where individuals may go and do anything they want. They can communicate with pals, make content, consume content, play games, and purchase from a distance. They may also travel to other realms, and their identities follow them wherever they go.

If all of that is too much for you right now, try this: The metaverse is the internet, but so much more.

As simple as that. At the moment, you can only use the internet when you go to it; but, with new connectivity, gadgets, and technologies, we will be able to use it all day long.

Isn’t it true that every business now has a website? These businesses will soon have a physical presence in the Metaverse. People will go shopping at the Amazon mall. Rides will be available in Disney’s virtual theme parks.

If you’re still having problems understanding it, here’s an Adobe concept film and some of the most fantastic examples of what it may look like. Check this link to find more.

How will this work?

All the curious people out there think that when we turn on the lights or open the refrigerator, we are aware that they are powered by electricity, but we are not aware of how it works. Artificial intelligence, sensors, and robot-to-device communication will constitute the “electricity” that powers the Metaverse’s back end. Machines will be able to read and search the physical world we live in. For our digital selves and the digital world around us, we will build new lexicons and structures. This revolutionary fusion of our digital and physical worlds will be powered by 5G and 6G networks, quantum computing, and graphene-based processors. Also, the place where we do our work will be replaced by Metaverse

Are we close to achieve a Metaverse?

Not yet, still there are a number of roadblocks in the way of a true Metaverse, Such as:

· Hardware constraints are the most significant one.

· Global networking and processing capabilities are now insufficient to sustain a permanent digital environment that can be experienced in real-time by many concurrent users.

· Even if this level of networking and processing capability were accessible, the energy consumption of such a venture would pose a threat not only to national power systems but also to the environment.

Is only Zuckerberg trying to do this?

Microsoft’s HoloLens 2.0

You may have realized after reading all of this that this is a significant and challenging subject. So, if you believe Facebook is the only one pursuing this, you’re mistaken.

· Recently, Epic Games has directed funding to expand Fortnite into a metaverse theme.

· Microsoft Mesh is a mixed reality program that allows users to experience virtual presence using Microsoft devices like the HoloLens.

· Sensorium Galaxy, a metaverse offering virtual reality performances by electronic music musicians, has begun private beta testing. Its online avatar store accepts cryptocurrency payments.

· South Korea in 2021 has formed a national metaverse partnership to create a single national VR and AR platform.

Just as social media turned the tide in favour of businesses in the early 2010’s Web 2.0 age, companies in the 2020’s will need to start forming metaverse teams to spark a massive revolution in today’s Web 3.0 age

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Credit : Shrey Pokhriyal — Team E-Cell ABV-IIITM Gwalior

